Best Insurance Policy Company in New York
Since last few years insurance companies have started offering risk cover plans like limited payment whole life, and endowment assurance plan from the age of 12years and money back plan from age of 13 years(completed). New plans have been specifically designed for children where the risk of the child starts much earlier say 7 years.
Studies powered by Policies on the lives of children are taken out by other elders. After some time when the child becomes major and is competent to contract, the child may assume the ownership of the policy. The policy is then said to ‘vest’ in child. The date on which this happens is called the ‘testing date’. The risk begins when the child attains 18 years of age. This is called the ‘deferred date’ and the period between the deferred date and the date of commencement of policy is called the ‘deferred period’.
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